Good morning everyone !!!! Thanks sooooo much for all of your lovely comments on my 15 Days of Christmas project. The winner was chosen using And the winner is: Alexandra Conde from Congrats Alex !!!!
*** Buenos dias a todos !!! Muchisimas gracias por todos los bellos comentarios que dejaron acerca de mi proyecto de Los 15 Dias de Navidad. La ganadora se selecciono usando Y la ganadora es: Alexandra Conde de Felicidades Alex !!!
BILINGUAL/BILINGUE Fun sharing paper crafts using Cricut and stamping (scrapbooking, cardmaking), baking and cake decorating, handmade home decor, altered clothing... in a nutshell: anything CRAFT :)********* Diversion haciendo tarjeteria y albumes de recuerdos utilizando la CRICUT y estampando con sellos de goma, recordatorios, hornear y decorar bizcochos (tortas/cakes, articulos para decorar el hogar,adornar ropa ... en fin: todo lo que sea MANUALIDADES :).
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Fifteen Days of Christmas blog hop/Los 15 dias de Navidad "blog hop"
On the Eleventh day of Christmas ....... I made my children an "heirloom cookbook" with 11 of the Holiday recipes my children like the most.. Why ??? Last year, while I was fixing all the yummy food for Thanksgiving dinner, my middle child Carlos (of 5 children) kindly asked me (while he was doing a lot of "tasting"): "Mom, do you have the recipes for all this delicious food that you make written somewhere ???" Well, the question caught me by surprise, and got me wondering...." hmmmm am I getting "that" old.... what if I write a cookbook with all of the recipes they love, and give it to them as a Christmas present. Well, needless to say, that Christmas came and went and I did not make the "book".
Thanks to Jess at kinderStampo who asked to join her Christmas in July blog Hop, I got the chance to work on my children cookbook way ahead of time. :) This "heirloom cookbook" has its own wall hanging, and I will give instructions on how to make both items.
***Esta libro, es una coleccion de recetas navide~nas favoritas de mis hijos. Este surge, a pedido de uno de mis 5 hijos, que mientras yo preparaba la cena de Accion de Gracias el a~no pasado, me pregunto si yo tenia escritas esas recetas por algun lado. En adicion a sentir que me estaba poniendo tan vieja como para que mis hijos ya tuvieran "esa" preocupacion, pense que en efecto, debia sentarme a escribirlas. El "libro" tiene un adorno de pared, que lo sujeta, para que este siempre a la mano. A continuacion, las instrucciones para ambos.
****Leave a comment on this post with your email, to get the chance to win my blog candy: A kit to make the book yourself, at home !!! **** The winner will be selected using on Tuesday 27.
All of the project, was designed on my Gypsy.
I now will like for you to hop over to our next blog:
MeRRy ChrIsTMas !!! .... HaPPy HolIdaYs !!!! :) HaPPy CraFtiNG !!!

Thanks to Jess at kinderStampo who asked to join her Christmas in July blog Hop, I got the chance to work on my children cookbook way ahead of time. :) This "heirloom cookbook" has its own wall hanging, and I will give instructions on how to make both items.
***Esta libro, es una coleccion de recetas navide~nas favoritas de mis hijos. Este surge, a pedido de uno de mis 5 hijos, que mientras yo preparaba la cena de Accion de Gracias el a~no pasado, me pregunto si yo tenia escritas esas recetas por algun lado. En adicion a sentir que me estaba poniendo tan vieja como para que mis hijos ya tuvieran "esa" preocupacion, pense que en efecto, debia sentarme a escribirlas. El "libro" tiene un adorno de pared, que lo sujeta, para que este siempre a la mano. A continuacion, las instrucciones para ambos.
****Leave a comment on this post with your email, to get the chance to win my blog candy: A kit to make the book yourself, at home !!! **** The winner will be selected using on Tuesday 27.
All of the project, was designed on my Gypsy.
- Cartridges used (cartuchos): Joys of The Season (book- ornament shape / libro), Christmas Noel and From My Kitchen (embellishments on pages inside the book / adornos en paginas interiores).
- Book cover-ornament was cut at/ la cubierta del libro se corto a: 5.75 inches.
- Cut 4 pieces: 2 on chipboard and 2 on cardstock that has been previously covered with self adhesive red glitter paper. (I used recycled chipboard from cereal boxes). / corte 4 piezas: 2 en carton fino, como el que tienen las cajas de cereal y dos en cartulina.
- Cut ornament tops with mirror carstock. / Corte el "tope" del "adorno" en cartulina brillante.
- Decorate the book cover as you wish, using pattern and solid papers, flowers, glitter, border punches, etc. / Decore el frente como desee.
- Cut a strip of paper to write a title. / Corte una tira de cartulina para escribir el titulo.
- Ink the edges of ALL parts / Sombree todas las orillas de las piezas.
- Inside pages: / paginas interiores:
- Cut cardstock at 5.75. Cut as many pages as you need per recipe. ( I cut 11).
- Cut an ornament top for the back and front of each page. This will give added support when handling pages back and forth.
- Cut white cardstock circles to write your recipes. Ink well and glue to cardstock pages.
- Embellish blank spaces on pages with store bought embellishments or make your own.
- Insert a book ring through the hole in the "ornament" top of each page. Tie a piece of ribbon on the book ring.
- "Feliz Navidad" ( Merry Christmas) sign:
- Paint wood board with acrylic paint.
- Add hardware (on the back) to hang sign from the wall.
- Cut The letters for Christmas Greeting ( I used Plantin Schoolbook cartridge)
- Cut them on chipboard and on cardstock. Cover each chipboard letter with the cardstock and ink.
- Decorate with ribbon bows and flowers. Glue them to the wood with a hot glue gun.
- Nativity Scene"
- Paint wood with acrylic paint.
- Add hardware to hold chain and screw a hook to the bottom of the wood plaque to hold cookbook.
- Add some shimmer in the center of the board with Smooch Spritz.
- Cut all Nativity shapes at 3.25 inches.
- Cut Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus on chipboard and on cardstock. Cover the chipboard pieces with the cardstock. Stamp faces on Mary and Joseph with Peachy Keen stamps.
- Ink all shapes and glue to wood board.
- Cut some pieces of raffia and glue to manger. Add Baby Jesus image.
- For the STAR: cut one star on acetate and one on white cardstock. Spray Smooch Spritz on the acetate star and allow to dry. Cut of the tail of the cardstock star. Glue the white star onto the acetate star and cover it with Stickles.
I now will like for you to hop over to our next blog:
MeRRy ChrIsTMas !!! .... HaPPy HolIdaYs !!!! :) HaPPy CraFtiNG !!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
15 Days of Christmas Blog Hop/15 Dias de Navidad "Blog Hop"
HI !!! Guess what ???? There are only 5 months left for Christmas !!! Oh my !!! And, guess what ??? Only 4 months left if you want to have your cards and decorations ready by Thanksgiving !!! Pretty soon, you are going to get caught up with Back to School, Halloween and Thanksgiving and then... without you knowing... S.U.R.P.R.I.S.E. !!! ... it's Christmas everywhere except at your home !!!
That is way you can't miss the Christmas In July Blog Hop on July 24th. You will be visiting 15 blods, all with great Christmas inspiration for all of your projects. There will be blog CANDY, too. The hop will start at at 12am. So, remember to stop by and leave comments for a chance to win some GREAT Candy. :) MeRRy ChRistMas/HaPPy HolIdAYs !!!
That is way you can't miss the Christmas In July Blog Hop on July 24th. You will be visiting 15 blods, all with great Christmas inspiration for all of your projects. There will be blog CANDY, too. The hop will start at at 12am. So, remember to stop by and leave comments for a chance to win some GREAT Candy. :) MeRRy ChRistMas/HaPPy HolIdAYs !!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Halloween Pumpkin card-Wild Card cartridge/Tarjeta de Calabaza para Halloween
Hi !!! I'm back !!! Here is a card that I made for Emma's Throwback Thursday at My Creative Time. One of the requierements was to pick your favorite Holiday and to make a card using the Wild Card cartridge. The card was designed on the Gypsy and cut at 4 1/2 inches. I used the Hide Contour to hide the eyes in order to use googly eyes on the card's pumpkin.Inside the card, I used the Happy Halloween, spiderweb and spider that are included in this card. I used Stickles on the pumpkin's stem and on the spider that is inside the card. I used several cuts of the Halloween card from the cartridge to decorate the envelope.
Cuts for the card: outside (orange) and liner (black):
PLace liner (black) inside front layer (orange). Place green layers: stem and grass over the pumkins.
Place googley eyes, and glue the other cuts/decorations to the card, liner and envelope. Ink edges.
View of inside of card and the back of the envelope.
***** Holaaaaaa !!! Regreseeeeeee!!! :) Quiero compartir con ustedes la tarjeta que hice para el reto de Emma, Throwback Thursday en su blog My Creative Time. Los requisitos eran escoger uno de tus dias festivos favoritos del cartucho Wild Card y hacer una tarjeta de ese tema. Dise~ne la tarjeta en mi Gypsy y la corte a una altura de 4 1/2 pulgadas. Para la calabaza de la tarjeta, use el Hide Contour, para borrar los ojitos y poder ponerle los ojos de plastico ("googly eyes"). Dentro de la tarjeta, use los cortes "Happy Halloween", tela de ara~na y ara~na. Decore con Stickles el tallo de la calabaza y la ara~na dentro de la tarjeta. Tambien utilize varios de los cortes para decorar el sobre.
Cuts for the card: outside (orange) and liner (black):
PLace liner (black) inside front layer (orange). Place green layers: stem and grass over the pumkins.
Place googley eyes, and glue the other cuts/decorations to the card, liner and envelope. Ink edges.
View of inside of card and the back of the envelope.
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